Background Feature

by Kermit Kapner (Upstate New Yorker)

Joel is at the top of his field as a corporate infotainer attracting huge audiences at trade shows, seminars and special events all over the world. At age 13, he became the youngest featured entertainer in the world to perform on Carnival Cruise Line’s ships. Later Bauer moved to San Francisco, where he studied drama and allied subjects at the American Conservatory Theatre. “My studies there and the martial arts with its theme on energy and focus, helped prepare me for the work I do currently.”

Bauer’s appearances in 75 comedy clubs and on five other cruise lines gave him valuable years of stage experience. It led him into the corporate field and the formation of Corporate Productions International in 1979. Early in this decade Joel began Bauer & Associates whose trade show communications technology has serviced the Fortune 100, Fortune 500 and other major companies throughout the world. “We use a unique integration of sales savvy, entertainment talents, comedic timing and communication skills at sales meetings and trade shows internationally,” according to Bauer. More than 20 million spellbound spectators can bear witness from the many presentations he has staged.

To what does Bauer attribute this amazing success as a corporate entertainer and a potpourri of allied fields? “I study constantly,” admits Bauer, who is on the road 17 to 20 days per month. “I fuse my extensive use of philosophy and research into customizing each show I perform.” His expertise and success has landed such major clients as Kodak, Bank of America, Chevrolet, Digital, Federal Express, General Motors, Xerox, RCA Records, NASA, Mitsubishi and many more.

“I’m just a 3-dimensional, interactive, spontaneous, customized color commercial who amplifies and integrates a company’s product or service into a compelling call to action,” he says. Bauer has hand-picked and trained over 75 corporate sales specialists to stand in when he isn’t available.