Get Joel’s Interview FREE: “10 Rules to Present, Pitch and Persuade Anyone on Anything”

Join the hundreds of big name students who’ve learned and earned big thanks to these secrets!


Some people call Joel Bauer the “mentor’s mentor”. Others call him “the Godfather of the close” or “the world’s BEST platform speaker trainer”. Joel’s career is the stuff of marketing and sales legend. His accomplishments and unique presentation antics are frequently the topic of high-level insider shop talk.

For over three decades, his live events, systems and techniques have empowered starters and pros alike to Discover, Design and Deliver their gift onstage and online. His proven track record and methods have secured him clients like: Motorola, 3M, Mitsubishi, Shell, Canon, IBM, Intel, Cargill, Disney and Panasonic, to name a few.

He’s presented from stages in front of hundreds of thousands, with record-setting closing rates. He’s been on just about every major television network, including ABC, NBC, CBS, MTV and CNN and appeared in too many major newspapers to count. And up until one of his students (Russell Brunson) topped his records, Joel held the record for 1st, 2nd and 3rd highest gross sales from a single-stage.

But none of those “bragging rights” or “claims to fame” really matter much to Joel. See… the real reason so many people (including the biggest names) seek him out, and the reason you’ve probably heard his name come up more than once isn’t any of those things.

Joel’s real gift for everyone, including you, if you’re looking to connect better and sell more, is his LEGENDARY 20-MOVE MATRIX. If you ask your “guru”, mentor, coach or trainer what their process is for genuinely connecting and “killing it on the close”, odds are it will track back to Joel’s Matrix.

Top income-producing speakers, presenters and online marketers, like Jordan Belfort, Joe Polish, Eben Pagan, Peng Joon and Kevin Trudeau, ALL hale Joel as a source of their methods and success. It’s his students and their accomplishment that tell the tale and explain why you NEED TO LEARN THE SECRETS of this man’s game-changing 20-Move Matrix – IMMEDIATELY.






































I got presented with a check for $757K

I got presented with a check for seven hundred fifty seven thousand, two hundred thirty two dollars and seventy cents (757,232.70). This check represents how much money I made with Moe in the last 17 months. And I got to tell you Joel, if it wasn’t for your training I received at Profit Point, learning how to engage the audience, learning how to do the slides and learning how the gift shift and all those other things that I learned from you, this income would not have been possible, so Joel, thank you very much. I owe it all to you.

John Chow Blogger

Double or Triple my Closing Percentages

My name is Robert Allen. I'm a famous author of a lot of best selling books and I speak to a lot of audiences and I'm pretty good at closing... to tell you the truth I'm pretty darn good. It took me a long time to figure that out, but by watching Joel, learning from him, I absolutely know that I'm going to take my closing percentage and double or triple it. Because when you watch what he does and learn the techniques and the structure he uses behind what he's teaching, you know that you can apply it yourself.

Robert G. Allen Author of Nothing Down & Multiple Streams of Income

Learning from Joel, it has generated a minimum of eight figures

As a direct result learning from Joel,it has generated a minimum of eight figures, well over ten million dollars, speaking on the world’s largest stages, with being to close to about twenty countries now. Something that’s much bigger than that is I’m now able to share something that I really love doing, something that's very fulfilling for me. To be able to share what I did in the online world and teach that to other people as well. And that is priceless

Peng Joon Internet Marketer

Over two and a half million dollars of added income into my bank

As a result of Joel’s Profit Point and Coaching Program, I went from ten percent to thirty percent and beyond. What does that translate to? Over two and a half million dollars of added income into my bank account that I would have never realized before. Thank you Joel.

Mitch Carson Direct Response Marketing Consultant

200,000+ in New Revenue

$200,000+ in revenue through my systems, books, webinars, events and multiple revenue streams. Joel's training and support made it possible!

Jorge Bueno Financial Consultant

$60,000 per year while in high school

Joel’s training enabled me to: Generate $60,000 per year while in high school, appear on television and in 100+ newspapers & Magazines, gain acceptance to Babson University and secure my current executive shareholder position.

Johnathan Jacques Influencer

All his students are guaranteed phenomenal success

Mentor Joel literally passes on his life's work to us, saving us decades of learning curve and creates such a strong community of network and accountability that all his students are guaranteed phenomenal success and performance even when we just apply a fraction of what he teaches us.

Angelina Chng

Joel made all the Difference

Joel earned his consulting fee within ten minutes of walking into my office. Joel showed us how to increase perceived value, which diminished attendees concerns to our high ticket platinum program.

Joe Polish Internet Guru, CEO Piranha Marketing

Joel Bauer is the Master's Master

Joel Bauer has a level of impeccable perfectionism that I've never witnessed anywhere else in any other speaker. I've been around this business for 30 years and studied all the best of the best... politically, theologically, business-wise and academically. I've never seen anyone come in and mesmerize a crowd, take ownership of their mind, please them and have them ecstatically excited. He's the Master's Master.

Mark Victor Hansen Author of Chicken Soup for the Soup & The One Minute Millionaire

"An Amazing 25% Conversion!"

I just conducted my second sales group presentation today and had an amazing 25% conversion! This is my best ever closing. I have specifically used Joel's techniques (of course!). The best part was I had GREAT fun doing it. Thank you Joel!

Nishant Kasibhatia Memory Trainer

I made my money back probably thirty times over

“I trained for seven days with Joel Bauer and I have to say it was the most amazing experience I’ve ever had in a training, in a seminar and I was blown away. Monetarily, it probably saved me around half a million bucks before I even left the place because I was negotiating a deal with somebody who was negotiating a bad deal because you also learn the business side of this business when you deal with Joel. It teaches you everything. So right away, I made my money back probably thirty times over.”

Jordan Belfort The Wolf of Wallstreet

My hourly rate tripled after 1 day

As a direct result of Joel’s training, I discovered the real value of my knowledge and how to monetize my passion in ways I never imagined. My hourly rate tripled after 1 day at Passion2Profit and I have more clients than ever before.

Kaleb Nation Social Media Influencer

Persuasion to a Whole new Level

Joel Bauer has brought the art and science of persuasion to a whole new level. His remarkable technologies will amaze even the most dedicated of skeptics.

Tony Robbins Speaker & Life Coach

You put over a million dollars in my bank account

“Two hundred and fifteen thousand dollars. And this has been going on and on and on. Joel Bauer, thank you so much. You put over a million dollars in my bank account.”

Jon Riley Business Owner



This Is Your Chance To Work With The "Mentor's Mentor"

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? – mentoring4millions mastery program will get you there. Supercharge Your Business With Joel's Step-by-Step, Proven Marketing System To Earn 7-Figures in Your Business. These 5 Exclusive Milestones Will Bring Your Business Unprecedented Growth...... READ MORE

"The Billion Dollar Principle"

Joel's Complete Training And Proven Downloadable Scripts...

Total failure in actually monetizing your presentation/s both online/offline is often the result -- without this proven principle/technique for demonstrating absolute proof your product, process, or support actually works... READ MORE


From Concept to Crystallization to Clients - 12 Full Months of Training With Joel Bauer...

If you truly want to be a student and ultimately master the art of presence, pitch and persuasion, this is the program for you. You'll get a full year's curriculum revealing Joel's move-by-move process to design your own... READ MORE

Receive Joel's FREE Interactive Digital Video Book And $997.00 Presentation

Empowering You To Monetize Online & Offline Through Three Proven Simple Principles Now!

Join Joel for 5 Days of Full-Immersion Coaching and Training with the Mentors’ Mentor. This action-based challenge will help you uncover your purpose and provide five proven moves that will help you start monetizing and serving people on or offline. The exact details below!